Sunday, February 1, 2009

Modern Life style - ala Call Center


Early morning parties.  8am beer or liquor drinking session.  Pizza all week long.  Hanging out @ a nearby  7-11 or Mini - Stop.  Cigar case on 
pockets.  Sleeping all morning long staying all night long.  

That is just the tip of the ice berg...for someone who work for a call center.  
But is it really just like that?  Indeed a life inside a call center seem to be very dazzling.  Very alive and very tiring!

Behind all the fun, after all the laughters over a table full of liquors, after the concert party. When you finally got to your room.  Alone, silent, and tired.  What could possibly a ca
ll center worker is thinking?  Is she/he thinking about the metrics she/he has to meet?  How many C-Sat surveys he has to make?  How can she resolve the peding call back on her case list?  Sounds very tiring eh.

Well those are just some of the balancing factor we have on this kind of work, err CAREER. People outside our work oftentimes would not see the inner struggles we have every night.  They only see whats outisde.

Do the Statbucks barista know that you have to meet the month's sales quota?
McDo counter attendant aware that your TL just scolded you up in the office?
Will Manong Taxi driver notice that we are fighting tooth and nail for our much deserve appraisal?

I guess not.  All they see are smiling faces dressed beautifully.  But only if they will witness the real battle in front out our work stations.... i am very confident that they's start understanding us.  

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